God help thee, poor monkey. - Macbeth

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Movie Review: I Am Legend

I'm not a huge fan of the zombie movie genre, but I watched "I Am Legend" tonight, and I have to say that I was impressed. It wasn't so much a movie about zombies as a movie about the survival of Dr. Robert Neville and his struggle to find a cure to the terrible disease that caused people to begin behaving that way. Zombies isn't even the right term for them, actually. Rather than being the living dead, they are people who have been infected by a mutated measles virus and turned into vicious creatures who can only come out at night. Despite the fact that this premise comes across as a horror movie, it was a very emotional film. It was engaging and suspenseful, and there were several times that it nearly brought tears to my eyes. Overall, I thought it was a fantastic movie. I would not recommend it for children or people who are easily disturbed, however. It contains some fairly horrific themes and parts that are difficult to watch. Still, I enjoyed it immensely.


Suzy said...

Do any of the vicious, measles infected, night stalking creatures have a fondness for quiche?

Cinderbelle said...

I wish. That would make the movie so much better. Basically, "I Am Legend" is "Castaway" set in NYC with monsters and a dog instead of a volleyball.