God help thee, poor monkey. - Macbeth

Friday, September 7, 2007

Quote of the Day

"Shouldn't you be off spreading religiosity to the fuzzy wuzzies?" - Captain Malcolm "Mal" Reynolds, "Firefly"

Mal doesn't take to kindly to religion, not since the rebels were defeated by the Alliance in the Battle of Serenity Valley despite his many prayers. He counters any of Shepherd Book's attempts to enlighten him with sarcasm and wit. Sigh. I love him.


joshhill1021 said...

Ok so I got sent here by Blue Gal who of course said we had to check you out. This quote sold me and told me you are a very cool girl. I have recently become addicted to Firefly so anyone who can quote it is OK in my book.

Cinderbelle said...

Why thank you. I have plenty of "Firefly" quotes stored away. I also have 2 "Serenity" posters on the wall of my dorm room.

Neal Paradise said...

my favorite is,

"if you take sexual advantage of that girl, you're going to burn in a very special level of hell; a level they reserve for child molesters and people who talk at the theater."

Cinderbelle said...

That's a good one, too. I love Shepherd Book. And later on, when he says, "Sounds...special" and looks meaningfully at Mal. Oh dear.