God help thee, poor monkey. - Macbeth

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Movie Review: The Hills Have Eyes

So, in the spirit of Halloween, a bunch of people on my floor got together to watch scary movies tonight. Now, I hate scary movies. I've never liked them. I'm a bit of a wimp. Anyway, they told me that they were watching "The Hills Have Eyes" and that I should come and join them. I went with some trepidation (I do not want to have nightmares for the next month), but it turns out they were watching the ORIGINAL movie from 1977. So I decided to sit it out, figuring it couldn't be THAT bad. I was completely right. It was one of the funniest movies I have ever seen. The blood was literally red paint, and the mutant people or whatever they were looked like poor representations of Native Americans. It was quite racist, in fact. Here were these tribal type cannibal crazy people attacking a cute little white family where the children have blond hair and blue eyes. It was pretty ridiculous. Not only that, but the family was soooo dumb. Seriously, they just kept doing one stupid thing after another, and the girl would not shut up. She just screamed and screamed and whimpered and screamed even when she wasn't getting attacked. I mean, okay, yeah, that's pretty emotionally scarring, but do you have to be so loud about it? I'm pretty sure I would just curl up in a corner or something, not scream my lungs out. Especially when there are these mutant people roaming around. I mean, you don't want to give away your location, do you? As I said, the people were really stupid. It was great because the smartest being in the movie was the dog. Seriously, that dog was amazing. It would sneak up behind the mutant people and push them off cliffs and stuff. It even was smart enough to steal one of their massive walkie talkies (yes, the mutants had walkie talkies), and bring it back to the family so they could spy on the mutants. I'm telling you, that was one smart dog. Watching that movie, though, was like watching an episode of Mystery Science Theater or something. It was pretty amazing. The dialog was terrible and the acting was even worse. So, if you want a good laugh, go out and rent this movie. It won't let you down (although it's probably funnier if you watch it with a big group of friends).


Suzy said...

"although it's probably funnier if you watch it with a big group of friends"

... at 2:18 a.m.

Cinderbelle said...

No, I'm pretty sure it would be funny at any time. And we finished at 2, mother. :-P

Suzy said...

By the way, I'm shipping you one weird cat, C.O.D., and I might forget to put air holes in the box! She is being a major BRAT right now, chewing plants, chewing plastic, back to the plant, back to the plastic, on to another plant. And what does the canine enforcer do? She lies under a dining room chair, back end pointed at me, and releases noxious fumes in my direction! Quit laughing, it's NOT FUNNY.

Cinderbelle said...

Don't kill my kitty! I'm sure she's just upset because either (a) you forgot to feed her or (b) you're not giving her enough attention. Pick her up and cuddle her once and a while, why don't ya? She loves it. :-P

Suzy said...

I FED her! She doesn't want to be cuddled. She hates cuddling. If she can't have you, she wants your father. If she can't have him, she behaves badly.

Isn't "dialog" spelled D-I-A-L-O-G-U-E? Just wondering.

Cinderbelle said...

That's what I thought, but my spell check told me I was wrong, so w/e. Anyway, you just have to pick her up and give her a hug. She really likes it deep down, I swear. It works for me.

Suzy said...

She's messed up in the head. She needs a lobotomy.

Spell Check isn't always accurate.

Cinderbelle said...

I also checked it in my computer's dictionary...strange...anyway, don't you go doing anything to my kitty. I want her just as crazy when I get home as when I left.

Suzy said...

Turns out, she just needed to have her head pounded on. Now she's fine.

Cinderbelle said...

Like I said: You don't give her enough attention. :-P

Ed said...

It's just good that The Eyes Have Hills never made it past the cutting room floor.

Head pounding and ear pulling is the ticket.